15 Minutes 2001
In today’s world, fame is more intertwined with everything than ever before. Everyone from criminals to police officers, lawyers to politicians are somehow “celebrities” in today’s TV news. Killers confess their crimes to doctors on television programs. Crime, tragedy, and chaos: We may be afraid of them, but no one can deny that in today’s world these concepts bring ratings, money, and power. How far can unbalanced individuals go to achieve their “15 minutes” of fame? And how ready is society to watch them? 15 Minutes attempts to answer these questions. At the center of 15 Minutes are two murders committed in New York. But it’s not just about the facts of these murders, it also reveals who controls these facts. 15 Minutes looks at the workings of the media from a different perspective. While it is said that the media tries to capture images, conversations, and events related to evil and perversion in every way, the police chase the criminals, and the media follows the police.