Batman Returns


Batman Returns 1992

An ugly child is thrown into the river by scared aristocratic parents. Thirty years later, a strange child named Oswald Cobblepot turns into a bizarre penguin. On New Year’s Eve, he kidnaps wealthy businessman Max Schreck. Living in the city’s sewers for years, Penguin threatens him with some evidence he has found. Shreck promises to help him find his family. Penguin accepts the offer and becomes a mayoral candidate. However, Batman is convinced that he is the leader of the gang and responsible for several child murders. Meanwhile, Shreck fires his quiet and shy secretary Selina Kyle after learning about the company’s plan to build a super power plant stealing Gotham City’s power. Revived by a group of cats, Selina returns home, makes herself a new costume, and becomes Catwoman. While starting a romantic relationship with Bruce Wayne, who has the identity of Batman, Catwoman tries to thwart Batman’s plans to foil Penguin’s city destruction plans. When Batman disrupts Penguin’s disgusting schemes to become mayor, Penguin launches an attack to kill the firstborn of every family in town. Batman foils his plan and Catwoman sacrifices herself along with Shreck. Penguin, injured in the fight with Batman, cannot survive and dies. However, some time later, Bruce Wayne passes through town with his butler Alfred Pennyworth when he sees the shadow of Catwoman on the wall. Alfred stops the car and Bruce starts searching for Selina. He finds her cat, picks it up from the ground, and puts it back down. The camera wanders over Gotham City. When a bat signal illuminates the night sky, Catwoman appears.

Action, Crime, Fantasy
United States, United Kingdom
7.1 - tt0103776
Content Rating:
Tim Burton
Danny DeVito, Michael Keaton, Michelle Pfeiffer