La belle et la bête 2014
In Disney’s special adaptation of the classic tale, Beauty and the Beast, we are presented with the story of a successful merchant who loses all his wealth in a shipwreck. With his six daughters, he moves to a secluded area to start a new life. Along the way, he incurs the wrath of the Beast for plucking a rose. The youngest daughter, Beauty, blames herself for her family’s misfortune and sacrifices herself to the Beast in her father’s place. Beauty soon discovers that the Beast’s castle is not the dark, sinister place she imagined. As they get to know each other, they grow closer. The Beast was once a handsome prince cursed by an evil enchantress. Beauty vows to break the curse and save him. This new adaptation of the Beauty and the Beast story explores elements of fantasy, love, and suspense. The film is directed and written by Christophe Gans.