Everything Must Go 2010
Based on a story by Raymond Carver, the film follows sales manager Nick Halsey who is fired from his job after drinking excessively on a business trip with a young colleague. When Nick returns home, he discovers that his wife has left him, changed the locks, and thrown all his belongings into the yard. With his last bit of money, he buys a beer and settles into his favorite chair that was tossed in the yard. As he lives in his old yard, he befriends a polite but troubled pregnant neighbor and the son of a neighbor he paid to watch over his things while he was away. Eventually, he decides to have a garage sale when he receives news that he will go to jail if he doesn’t sell everything in the yard within a week. Remaining true to the spirit of Carver’s subtle stories, the film finds solace in possibilities rather than Hollywood’s happy endings; it delves into extraordinary situations hidden in the details of everyday events and fleeting moments.