Filth 2013
The British film “Filth” is a comedy, drama, and crime thriller that can be found on our website with Turkish dubbing. The film, directed and written by Jon S. Baird, stars James McAvoy, Jamie Bell, Eddie Marsan, and Imogen Poots. Released on July 27, 2014, the film has a rating of 7.1 on IMDb and was made with a budget of 5 million dollars.
Formerly a low-key police officer, Bruce’s days are far behind him, and his dream of promotion seems to be slipping away with each passing day. Desperate to move up the ranks, Bruce resorts to all kinds of schemes and tricks to outshine his colleagues. However, his past as a drug addict continues to haunt him, and a brutal murder case forces him to confront his demons. As he tries to solve the case, he must also navigate the ghosts of his ex-wife and his troubled history with drugs.