Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 2005
Harry Lockhart, a thief by trade, unexpectedly finds himself thrust into the world of acting after a series of events. Determined to succeed in his new role as a detective, he sets out to gain experience in the field of acting. Through a chance encounter, he reunites with his former schoolmate Harmony and enrolls in acting classes. Despite the passage of time, Harry remains determined to win over the beautiful woman and constantly puts himself forward as the hero. However, the unfolding events are not as they seem, and the role he has taken on has the potential to become reality. Starring Robert Downey Jr., Val Kilmer, and Michelle Monaghan, “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” is a 2005 Action, Drama, and Crime film directed by Shane Black, with a rating of 7.7 based on over 158,000 user votes and a runtime of 103 minutes.