Neighbors 2014
The film “Bad Neighbors” is a comedy film directed by Nicholas Stoller. It was released in the United States, with a runtime of 1 hour and 37 minutes, costing $18 million to make. The movie has an IMDb rating of 6.7 and was released in Turkey on May 9, 2014. The story revolves around a newlywed couple, Kelly and Mac Radner, who are trying to adjust to life with their newborn baby. Their peaceful life is disrupted when rowdy college students move in next door and start throwing wild parties. The Radners try to peacefully coexist with their new neighbors at first but soon find themselves in a battle to reclaim their peace and quiet. Led by the charismatic and rebellious Teddy, the students prove to be formidable opponents, leading to a hilarious and chaotic showdown between the two households.