Once Upon a Time in Venice


Once Upon a Time in Venice 2017


In Los Angeles, former corrupt cop turned private detective Steve Ford finds himself dealing with a local street gang led by a drug cartel leader named Spider (Jason Momoa) in Venice. The gang has kidnapped Steve’s dog, and Steve is determined to get his dog back at all costs. Spider, on the other hand, has taken Steve’s dog to use as leverage, threatening to kill the dog if Steve doesn’t comply. Forced to work with Spider, Steve must steal a bag of drugs in exchange for his dog.

Steve teams up with his friend Dave for the mission, leading to a series of adventurous and action-packed moments as they navigate through a chaotic journey. The main focus of the story revolves around Steve’s quest to retrieve his dog from Spider and his gang, which leads him to collaborate with some Mexican gangsters under Spider’s command. Throughout the film, Steve finds himself in strange adventures with groups that often follow the pattern of “ethnicity, fistfights.”

In addition to the main storyline, there are various subplots involving Steve’s recently divorced best friend Dave, his eager assistant John who is keen on working on a real case, a mysterious graffiti artist, a ruthless couple of Samoan thugs demanding payment the next day, and their sister. As the events unfold, Steve also encounters a bizarre encounter with transvestites in a motel room.

“Once Upon a Time in Venice,” also known as “Acts of Violence” in Turkish, showcases Bruce Willis’ 62-year-old performance in a series of comical and action-packed sequences set against the backdrop of Los Angeles.

Action, Adventure, Comedy
United States
5.3 - tt4694544
Content Rating:
Not Rated
Mark Cullen
Bruce Willis, Jason Momoa, John Goodman