Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters 2013
In the 2013 sequel film directed by Thor Freudenthal, Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, written by Marc Guggenheim, stars Logan Lerman, Alexandra Daddario, and Brandon T. Jackson. With a rating of 5.9 on IMDb based on 73,000 votes, the fantasy adventure film provides an action-packed 106 minutes of entertainment. Released in Turkey on August 16, 2013, the film grossed nearly $200 million worldwide.
Continuing from where we left off, we follow the adventures of Percy, the son of the powerful sea god Poseidon. Discovering his divine heritage, Percy, once a misfit teenager, has now embraced his powers and abilities. Alongside his friends, he embarks on a challenging journey to rescue his mother, and must find the mythical Golden Fleece. To save his camp from destruction, Percy must successfully complete this task. Sailing to the Sea of Monsters, Percy and his companions will battle mystical creatures and Titan attacks.