Prometheus 2012
Prometheus, a magnificent Science Fiction, Mystery and Adventure film directed by Ridley Scott, premiered in Turkey on June 1, 2012. The screenplay was written by Jon Spaihts and Damon Lindelof. Starring Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshall-Green, and Michael Fassbender, the film has an IMDb rating of 7.0 and a runtime of nearly 124 minutes. With a budget of 120 to 130 million dollars, the film was shot in the United States and the United Kingdom, earning a total of 403 million dollars.
We all know the story of Alien. However, Prometheus is a standalone film that takes us back to the events before the terrifying Alien story. We witness a team of talented individuals conducting research on the origins of the universe. Their main goal is to save the future of humanity, but in the pursuit of this goal, everything could come to an end.