Revenge for Jolly! 2012
“Vengeance Squad” tells the story of a lonely and unconventional man named Harry, who lives at home with his dog. Harry doesn’t trust easily and doesn’t have a stable job. When things go wrong in his life, he turns to his cousin Cecil for help. This time, a lot of things are going wrong in Harry’s life. Harry confides in his cousin, telling him about his troubles. Working for a gang, Harry got into trouble and found himself in a sticky situation. After explaining his problem to his cousins, they come up with a plan to solve it together. Harry, who decides to leave the city with his dog Jolly, is faced with a lot of negativity. He worries about not being able to pay off his debt to the gang. When he returns home, he learns that Jolly has been killed. The Vengeance Squad follows Harry and his cousin’s quest for revenge.