Son of Batman 2014
Batman’s Son, an American animated film directed by Ethan Spaulding, combines action and adventure elements in a child-friendly format. With a rating of 6.5 on IMDb, the story was written by Bob Kane. The movie, with a runtime of 74 minutes, was released in American cinemas on May 6, 2014, with financial support from the renowned producer D.C.
One of the greatest threats, Ras al Ghul, has taken control of his gang, the League of Shadows, and hides in a fortress in the mountains. Ras al Ghul, after a long time, begins to reconsider his plans to take over the world and is backed by his daughter Talia and a group of expertly trained criminals and killers. As the League of Shadows’ plans progress smoothly, an internal rebellion disrupts the balance one day, and Talia takes her son and heads towards Gotham City to escape. Talia’s son is actually Batman’s son, but Batman is unaware of this fact. Talia goes to Batman to protect them. From then on, Batman teaches his stubborn son not to commit crimes and how to fight crime just like himself. With the help of Commissioner Gordon, he discovers that the child he trained is actually his son and was raised by a secret organization. Batman now knows he has a son and must do everything in his power to prove he is a father to him. As Batman tries to save his son, his enemies, as always, will not leave him in peace and will try to stop him.