The Basketball Diaries 1995
The movie “The Basketball Diaries” is a 1995 American biographical crime drama film that marked a major breakthrough for actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Wahlberg. Directed by Scott Kalvert, the film was released in Turkish cinemas on September 11, 1998. The screenplay was written by Jim Carroll, known for his work on films like “The Dawn Patrol.” Alongside DiCaprio and Wahlberg, the film also stars Lorraine Bracco, James Madio, and Patrick McGaw. With a rating of 7.3 on IMDb, “The Basketball Diaries” remains one of the best drama films to this day. The story follows high school student Jim Carroll, who excels in basketball but falls into drug addiction, leading to a downward spiral of crime. DiCaprio and Wahlberg deliver standout performances in this unforgettable film.