The Congress 2013
The film “Last Chance”, shot in the genres of Drama, Animation, and Science Fiction, premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in the southern region of France on May 15, 2013. The film cost 8 million dollars to complete and was filmed in a total of 6 countries. Directed by Ari Folman, the screenplay and story were written by Stanislaw Lem. Starring Robin Wright, Harvey Keitel, and Jon Hamm, the film provides a 2-hour and 2-minute viewing experience. With a rating of 6.7 on IMDb, “Last Chance” was released in Turkish cinemas on May 30, 2014. The story follows Hollywood’s former actress Robin Wright, who transfers her digital rights to a film production company. After transferring her rights, the studio creates a younger digital version of her to use. As a result of the contract, Robin will never be able to act again in real life or appear in front of a camera. We watch her digital copy take on various roles through a combination of animation and live-action scenes. The main theme of the film revolves around how humanity is increasingly tied to technology and the digital world, and how this will impact the fate of the world in the future.