The Hangover 2009
The Hangover, the first film of the Hangover series directed by Todd Phillips and maintaining a score of 7.8 on IMDB with the help of over 519 thousand users, had its special screening in The Hague on May 30, 2009, before entering general release on June 5. Made with a low budget of 35 million dollars, the film was completed in the USA and grossed over 460 million, making it one of the best comedy films. Starring Zach Galifianakis, Justin Bartha, and Bradley Cooper, who also starred in the 2015 film American Sniper, the film revolutionized comedy with its odd and unconventional humor. The story follows four friends who travel to Las Vegas for a bachelor party and wake up the next morning to find a chicken, a tiger, and a crying baby in their hotel room. As they try to piece together the events of the previous night, they find themselves in a series of outrageous adventures, including the disappearance of the groom-to-be. Despite their hangovers, they must quickly get their act together and return to Los Angeles, but their misadventures seem to never end.