The Tree of Life 2011
A film focusing on a family in the 1950s Middle America, following the eldest son Jack from losing his childhood innocence to bittersweet adulthood. The turbulent father-son relationship with his father (Brad Pitt) is at the heart of the story. Jack’s (Sean Penn) mature self is now a lost soul in the modern age, questioning the meaning of life amidst existential doubts and the dead ends of fate. Terrence Malick’s 2011 Cannes Film Festival divisive masterpiece, The Tree of Life, is a globally impactful work from top to bottom with the director’s signature style. Starring Brad Pitt, Sean Penn, and Jessica Chastain, the film’s technical team also stands out. 4-time Oscar-nominated cinematographer Emmanuelle Lubezki, costume designer Oscar nominee Jacqueline West (also for The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and three other films), and Oscar-nominated Alexandre Desplat are among the standout names of the team.