The Words 2012
Released on December 7, 2012 in Turkey, the film “The Words” is a Drama, Mystery, and Romance film written and directed by Brian Klugman and Lee Sternthal. Starring famous actor Bradley Cooper, along with Dennis Quaid and the beautiful actress Olivia Wilde, the film has a runtime of 1 hour and 42 minutes and holds a rating of 7.1 on IMDB. The film’s box office revenue of $13 million is twice its production budget.
Young writer Rory Jansen becomes unexpectedly famous in the literary world with his first published book. With his unique writing style and creativity, he gains recognition as one of the best authors of his time. His book becomes a worldwide success and is praised by critics. Jansen enjoys his newfound fame and life with his beloved wife. However, just as his success reaches its peak, a mysterious man appears and makes a shocking claim about Jansen’s novel.