Under the Skin


Under the Skin 2013

The movie “Under The Skin” is a unique blend of horror, science fiction, and dramatic scenes, with a runtime of 108 minutes. Released in 2013, this film stands out as a genre like no other. Starring Scarlett Johansson, known for her roles in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and “Lucy,” the film offers a fresh and unconventional storyline. Alongside Johansson, Jeremy McWilliams and Lynsey Taylor Mackay also deliver standout performances. Directed by Jonathan Glazer, the film takes viewers on a journey through England, the United States, and Switzerland, showcasing stunning cinematography. With a budget of around 8 million British Pounds (13 million Dollars), “Under The Skin” has garnered a IMDb rating of 6.3. Prepare to be immersed in a completely different world with this captivating and thought-provoking film. Johansson portrays an alien sent to Earth to seduce and consume unsuspecting hitchhikers, adding an eerie and mesmerizing touch to the narrative. As the story unfolds, viewers are left intrigued by the enigmatic journey of this otherworldly being. Jonathan Glazer’s masterful direction combined with Johansson’s compelling performance makes “Under The Skin” a must-watch for fans of sci-fi and unconventional cinema. Don’t let it slip away, delve into the depths of your skin with this mesmerizing and unsettling tale.

Drama, Horror, Mystery
United Kingdom, Switzerland, United States
6.3 - tt1441395
Content Rating:
Jonathan Glazer
Jeremy McWilliams, Lynsey Taylor Mackay, Scarlett Johansson